Tyler, great article! Definitely interested in putting some money to work into Divvy. Essentially, it’s a modern spin on rent-to-own, which I’ve always thought should be more popular than it is in the marketplace.

My question for you is as an OPEN super fan, like yourself, how worried should I be that Divvy is going to significantly compromise Eric Wu’s vision?

Stated another way, did OPEN’s moat just shrink?

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Thanks for reading and commenting! Opendoor's long term vision includes renting, and I think they would similarly be looking for fintech solutions like Divvy's. The hardest model in proptech is iBuying, so I don't view this as a negative competitive pressure on Opendoor.

That said, I do think it's important for Opendoor to be involved in rentals at some point over the next few years!

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First and foremost, congratulations on being selected for the fellowship at Vandy, that's awesome! My brother-in-law is a maxillofacial surgeon and the reconstructive stuff he does is incredible.

As always, great read. I appreciate your storytelling abilities; you make a very compelling case for Divvy. As someone who just went through a home purchase two years ago (and now about to start it again as we move to Boston for work) we had to settle for something that would fit our budget-- definitely didn't get the house we wanted. I think Divvy has some serious potential here and the concept alone allows for buyers to plan ahead and maybe buy the home they would want in the future... instead of buying and then selling before you upgrade--- say you know you're going to have a kid or two, or other life changes. Too bad they're not in the Boston area, I'm intrigued!

Saw you posted this on Every (the link didn't load for me, btw) so does this mean you'll not be publishing on SA in the future?

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Thanks so much for reading and the kind words. Regarding your question about publishing with SA -- probably not. I'm currently spending most of my non-hospital time building www.datadoor.io and that takes most of my mindshare. Similarly, I'm most interested in writing articles about private companies, which doesn't really have a distribution channel on SA.

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